The Leopards Club after-school program will start again on January 3, 2022 and run until the end of the school year. The program is open to students in grades K-5 until 6PM every school day. Parents are encouraged to register their students for as many two-week units as they choose on this link: AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM REGISTRATION. Each day, students will be provided an after-school snack, participate in organized physical activities, engage in artistic activities of their choosing, listen to a read-aloud, and complete a Science, Technology, Engineering, Artistic, and/or Math (STEAM) oriented task aligned with the mission and goals of Cove Charter School. The base STEAM curriculum for the program may be reviewed by unit here: AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM STEAM CURRICULUM. The students will be admitted based upon time of registration. Preference for subsequent units will be to students previously denied due to capacity. The capacity for each group (grades K-2 and 3-5) is strictly limited to 20 students. In the event you sign up but later realize a conflict keeping your child from participating, please contact Kelsey Stitzel at 541-568-4424 so we may allow admittance to the next student in line. The instructors are Lacey Baird (grades K-2) and Carolyn Stewart (grades 3-5). The program will be conducted in the elementary building with K-2 students in the art room and 3-5 students in the library.
In conjunction with this, an abbreviated late bus route is available to support this program as well as older students participating in sports or other after-school activities. The late bus will depart at 6PM, conduct limited drop offs in the Cove community and end its route at approximately 6:35 at Island City.
Because this program aligns with the mission and goals of the school and supporting grant funding was received, there is no charge for participation.