Students in grades 7-12 can return Chromebooks, laptops and books on Thursday noon to 4 or anytime Friday. Locker items can be picked up at that time and complete class schedule request for next year.
First day of 7th & 8th grade presentations and I am impressed! Learned about sugary liquids affect on teeth, temperature of water for ideal daisy growth and a review of common drinks effect on 1 mile run performance.
Cove Chapter of National Honor Society has new members! Congratulations to Karia Weber, Breanna Harvey, Hannah Alldredge, Maggie Frisch, Rachel Baird and Isaac Lee. We are very proud of you for your commitment to scholarship, service, leadership & character.
Tonights Board Meeting may be viewed here at 7PM: The Backround information may be viewed here:
FREE VIRTUAL MEDQUEST - due to the Covid-19 issues, NEOACEC is offering the Virtual MedQuest Camp for free.... Check your school email for more information & the link to register.
The Cove Charter Application for the 2020-2021 school year is available here:
The annual lottery will be held June 1st.
Ok, definitely last one! Thank you to all who came! If you get a chance to walk by the school you will not regret it!
Ok, maybe the last one....
For my 5th graders! I miss you tons!
For my 5th graders! I miss you tons!
I’ll add my share of pictures! Thank you to all who came! I hope your buckets are as full as mine! ~Mrs. Tucker
Sidewalk Chalk Art - Social Distancing - Fresh Air
WIN-WIN-WIN Best day in quite a while....can't wait for the next one....
Too much fun to not post all the pictures
More Chalk Art Pictures
Pictures from the amazing day - Sidewalk Art
SIDEWALK ART Thurs, May 7th
Decorate the sidewalks at school.
We have some chalk but please bring some if you have it
Due to Social Distancing we will work in shifts
Last Name A-M at 1:00 N-Z at 2:00
PARENTS feel free to come help with little ones
K-8th Elem steps
9-12th HS
Seniors: Please remember that arrangements for graduation ceremony have not been finalized. If you are sending out invitations, please don't give specifics about location or the ceremony, include a note that says info coming later....this will eliminate a lot of confusion later.
Reminder: Budget Committee Meeting Tonight at 6:30 PM via ZOOM Webinars. Attend the meeting here:
Attendees may comment or ask questions by using the Q&A function or by "raising hand" and being admitted to speak.
The Cove FFA Plant Sale will be held May 7th, 8th, & 9th (the three days before Mother’s Day) until plants are sold out. There hasn’t been a better year to improve your yard than this one! Feel free to call 541-6219882 for plant sale questions.