Students! Next Tuesday I will be setting up new Google classrooms, sending you emails and trying to set up our SAFS (School Away from School) please have your parents fill out this questionnaire so I can get you all rolling as efficiently and quickly as possible. I’ll talk to you soon!
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Gustavson
Noted that the links were not functioning in the previous message. Link Address Corrections for Meal Requests: Adult Meal Requests Here: Youth Meal Requests Here:
almost 5 years ago, Earl Pettit
Students and Parents: These are challenging times and I wanted to give a brief reassurance that our teachers and staff are working to establish and deliver supplemental education resources for you. Beginning the week of March 30, expect weekly (or more) direct communication with your teacher or adviser. We want to ensure you don't lose that Cove academic achievement edge during the closure. All students will be provided with supplemental learning material and resources. More details will be made available next week and through your teacher/adviser. Despite the closure, Cove remains laser-focused on your education.
almost 5 years ago, Earl Pettit
I was just watching OPB News Hour and they featured an artist playing a favorite song of the Middle School Band, “The Theme from D’vorak’s New World Symphony” played by Yo-Yo Ma on the Cello in a theme of Encouraging Songs of Comfort. In these uncertain times may you find hope and encouragement in the music you listen to:
almost 5 years ago, Ted McBride
6th graders! Keep your brain in shape! Login to IXL, GoMath or Prodigy to give your noggin some exercise. Read an interesting article on Tween Tribune and post it to our Google Classroom for others to read. Email or text me directly if you need help logging in. I’m here for you. 👍
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Gustavson
Cove School Lunch program plan for the March 2020 school closure. Sack or similar lunch prepared by Cove food service program. Breakfast and/or lunch meals will be provided to students who desire it. Meals will be provided at approximately the same scheduled time as school days. Breakfast: 7:30-8:15am Lunch: 11:30-12:15pm Meals will be a "grab and go" so come on in to the cafeteria and pick up your meal.
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Stitzel
There will be packets with information about the local scholarships available Monday (16th) either with Mrs. Murchison or on the bench by the office. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Murchison
Emergency Board Meeting Tonight Friday, March 13th @ 5:30pm in the High School Math Room.
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Stitzel
For the safety of our students, their parents, their extended families, and our community, the Cove School District will suspend all organized sports practices until further notice.
almost 5 years ago, Candy McGilvray -- AD
STEAM NIGHT March 18th has been Postponed until a further date.
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Stitzel
Governor Kate Brown advises the following steps for managing the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon. The guidelines encompass large gatherings, workplace provisions, long-term and assisted living and several of them impact our schools. In addition to previous guidance to keep schools open, all non-essential school-associated gatherings and group activities should be canceled — such as group parent meetings, field trips, and competitions.
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Stitzel
GOLF--The Cove High School golf team will have an organizational meeting tomorrow after school in Mrs. McGilvray's room. A lesson with Stewart is scheduled for Friday at noon at the La Grande Country Club. Charge is $10 per athlete. If you are interested in playing golf, please attend this important meeting.
almost 5 years ago, Candy McGilvray -- AD
Congratulations to all fourth graders on a job well done in our Seuss Sweet 16 reading competition. But in the end there can only be one reading champion and that Seuss reading champion is Mila Dittmann. Way to go Mila!
almost 5 years ago, Tara Thomas
Seuss Sweet 16 Champion
If you are in Middle School and interested in track come to the informational meeting on Thursday after school in the High School Gym. Practice will begin on Monday, March 16th after school. Meet in the High School gym. See you there!
almost 5 years ago, Kelsey Stitzel
Reminder: There is a "Fix-it Cafe" Tuesday night from 4:30 to 7:30 where there will be volunteers available to help you fix lamps, extension cords, bike tires, sewing, simple tech issues, etc. It will be in the High School Shop.
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Dressen
REMEMBER.... College, Career & Military Fair at LaGrande High School 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday, 10th. Door Prizes, Open to Public!!
almost 5 years ago, Lisa Murchison
**Cove High School Star Wars Carnival** Pizza and Concessions--Space Races and Cotton Candy--Silent Auction and Face Painting--Ballons and Pie in the Face--and much more. Come join in the fun from 5:00 to 8:00 tonight.
almost 5 years ago, FBLA
Lidia and Bryce
Maddie and Jace
COVE CARNIVAL--The Cove High School students are putting the final touches on their carnival plans. Don't miss out. Join us for our Star Wars themed carnival from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm tomorrow night.
almost 5 years ago, Leadership
Carnival Preparations
4th grade has started their Seuss Sweet 16 bracket. Students will go head to head reading aloud selected Seuss passages. An oral reading rubric will determine the winner, Seuss reading champion!
almost 5 years ago, Tara Thomas
Seuss Sweet 16
THE COUNTDOWN HAS STARTED--Join us at the Cove High School Carnival this Friday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Leadership
School Carnival