Kindergarten had a great time at Catherine Creek on Thursday!
over 5 years ago, Tracy Wright
Kindergarten poses for a picture.
This was our classroom yesterday! #scientistsinthefield #catherinecreeklodge
over 5 years ago, Koreen Williams
Second graders journal about this forest habitat.
The Cove FFA Alumni is holding a welcome back to school BBQ next Wednesday. Students enrolled in Ag and their parents are encouraged to come!
over 5 years ago, Cove FFA
The Cove FFA Alumni is holding a welcome back to school BBQ next Wednesday. Students enrolled in Ag and their parents are encouraged to come!
The Animal Science class has been working on Animal Systems. Today’s lesson involved the respiratory system where students identified anatomy through dissection. This class is offered to juniors and seniors, and they can earn college ANS 121 credit through TVCC for taking it.
over 5 years ago, Brendan Kelley
Animal Science students learning how the respiratory system works through dissection.
While dissecting one lung was left in tact so the Animal Science class could see it expand and contract with a bike pump.
Tailgate party this Friday night at our Leopard football game against Adrian/Jordan Valley. Bring your appetite and enjoy a hamburger at our CHS tailgate party. The grill turns on at 5:00 pm.
over 5 years ago, Candy McGilvray -- AD
Anatomy class is studying the integumentary (skin) system and wound healing process -- we got hands on practice with suturing today.
over 5 years ago, Science -- Levi Wiseman
Continuous suture
SENIORS - Deadline is this Thursday, Sept 20 for the October 26th ACT test. to register
over 5 years ago, Lisa Murchison
Bess Bug Beetles have arrived in kindergarten. We are excited to learn about the needs of living things, and about their habitats.
over 5 years ago, Tracy Wright
Student holding Bess Bug
High School volleyball in Elgin this afternoon. Varsity volleyball starting at 4:00 pm with JV to follow. Football team plays at 7:00. Come out and support your teams. GO LEOPARDS!!!
over 5 years ago, Candy McGilvray -- AD
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE CHANGE--The Cove High School football team will be playing Imbler High School on September 27th at Eastern Oregon University. Game time is at 7:30 pm.
over 5 years ago, Candy McGilvray -- AD
Football Game at Elgin this on Friday at 7pm - come support our first game of the season. (players be at school by 5pm to prepare for the bus)
over 5 years ago, Football -- Coach Wiseman
5th grade celebrated Patriot Day (a National Day of Service and Remembrance) by learning about the events of 9/11. They also collaborated to create commemorative art for our hallway.
over 5 years ago, Tricia Tucker
Our display.
Collaborative poster.
4th Grade loves our emergency responders.
over 5 years ago, Tara Thomas
4th Grade shows appreciation.
We’re thrilled to announce Cove School District’s new app! It’s everything Cove, in your pocket. See a brief video here: Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, Earl Pettit
In addition to Patriot Day, picture day is tomorrow, Wed. Sept. 11, 2019. "We promise to remember."
over 5 years ago, Tara Thomas
First grade artists color mixing.
over 5 years ago, Ginger Noble
Cool Cardboard Creations! Here are a few of the things we have been creating in Brain Kinesthetics. They are working accuracy to the millimeter, following directions, working hard to solve a problem ,and teamwork.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Dressen
Made a paper one first
The first to finish
Hard at it
NAP Night - Night Against Procrastination - is back! High School students that may need some extra help or just a place to work.... 6:00 - 8:00 pm Wednesday, Sept 11 in the HS Math room. Everyone welcome - not just math!
over 5 years ago, Lisa Murchison
CONGRATULATIONS Cove Varsity Volleyball Team on a job well done. The girls brought home some hardware, taking second place at the Helix Tournament on Saturday. Way to go girls!
over 5 years ago, Kim Tally
5th grade had so much fun dissecting owl pellets today! We learned that owls are tertiary consumers who ultimately get energy from the sun. Ask your students what they found!
over 5 years ago, Tricia Tucker
A large skull.
What could they belong to?
Lots of bones and hair.
Baby bird?