Christmas Bazaar at Cove small gym and middle school basketball today
Boys Basketball Cove-47 Open Door Christian 85
Girls Basketball Cove 56 Open Door 46
Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort is offering a ski and snowboard program on Fridays. This program is a great opportunity for students to learn to ski or snowboard at a reasonable price.
The 2024 dates for skiing this year are:
Session 1: January 12, January 19, January 26, February 2, February 9, and February 16 (registrations are due back to school by 12/21/23)
You can choose to participate in 3-6 consecutive weeks depending on your family's preference.
This year, students will have the option to ride to and from the mountain on the school bus. The exact times of departure and arrival will be shared in January, but you can expect the bus to leave Cove around 6:30 AM and return around 5:30 PM.
Important!! Although checks won't be cashed until the program starts, all registration forms are due before Christmas break!!
COVE High School Basketball games @ Wasco will be on NFHS this weekend as well.
Check out the drills that Cove K-8 PE classes are completed this week.
Cove HS Basketball on the road this weekend, @ Open Door Academy and South Wasco Friday and Saturday.
Tonight Girls Varsity @ 6pm
Varsity Boys-
Cove Booster Club Meeting tonight @ 7pm in Cove cafeteria. Come be apart of a great club and met the new people getting involved.
Sports Update!!
A Toy Distribution will be held in the Cove Methodist Church basement! On December 15th from 6-8pm and December 16th, 10am-1pm Parent/Guardians and Grandparents are able to come shop completely free of charge for their kids. Toys & Gifts for all ages are available!
Cove MS tournament Brackets!!
The Madrigal Dinner fundraiser for the theatre department is Dec. 18, at 6:00 pm! Please see the News article for more information! Reservations are made by calling 541-568-4424 and speaking to Kim or Kelsey.
Cove/ Pilot Rock Band playing together at the Mt. Fanny Classic
Middle School Basketball at Echo today CANCELED. Have a great day!!
Go Leopards!!
K-8 PE classes are participating in BFS- Bigger Faster Stronger Dot drill program for 2 weeks.
Cove Choir
This weekend's basketball games Adults $5.00
Gold Cards, Booster Club passes, under 15 years of age, Over 65, & veterans free.
All other adults will be charged, if you would like to help in concessions stand please let me know.
Just a reminder! Advantage Dental will be at Cove School on 11/30/23 which is tomorrow. This service is FREE to all students. Please fill out the necessary document that was sent home with your student or you can pick up a new form at the front office. If you wish for your student NOT to participate in the dental screening, fill out the form marking in the NO column. Thank you! The classes that have a 90% consent return rate or higher in grades K-8th will earn a class party. For High School three students will be randomly selected to receive a gift card for returning a form! Thank you for participating.
Mt. Fanny Classic Tournament