After the 7-12 Zoom Meeting tonight at 7:00 teachers will be available to meet virtually. Use this link to find it on our webpage.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
If you missed the August 25 Newsletter, it is available online here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Newsletter Leopard
Hi there 5th graders! I am so excited that the first day of school is rapidly approaching! Please remember to join us tonight for our virtual back to school night at 6 pm and I will see you Monday! I know that we will accomplish great things this year! ~Mrs. Tucker
about 4 years ago, Tricia Tucker
La Grande and Lower Cove Bus Riders: As part of the reentry plan, there have been significant changed to the bus schedules. Two buses will serve La Grande and riders must select and ride either the Bi-Mart OR Faith Center Bus. Lower Cove Route is significantly adjusted to support this requirement. See the modified/ temporary Bi-Mart bus schedule here: See the Lower Cove and Faith Center Temporary Bus Schedule here: Route Leopard within Cove remains largely unchanged.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
School Bus with Mask
Cove Virtual Learning Academy Parents and Students: Online School Starts September 8. Chromebook check out will be from 4-6PM on September 3 and 8-11:30 AM on September 4 at the Cove High School lobby. Orientation Information may be viewed here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
"I've always loved the first day of school better than the last day of school. Firsts are best because they are beginnings." Jen Han This is a new school year, a new beginning, and things will change. My beginning is full of hope and excitement, welcome back everyone.
about 4 years ago, Tara Thomas
Welcome Back.... I am so happy to be back to school! I can't wait to see you all on Monday. If you are a high school math student, things will look a little different but we will get it figured out together - I have faith in us! Please contact me in the next few days if you have any questions about school, math or senior stuff... See you soon!!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Murchison
Join our Virtual Back To School Night! Elementary (K-6): August 27, 6PM at Junior/Senior High School: August 27, 7PM at Hear from the leadership, meet the staff, and orient to the reopening plan. You may type questions live through the Q&A function.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Hello 2nd Grade families! I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year. Those of you who worked with Mrs. Noble last year are already connected with me through Seesaw. I sent out my first message to you this afternoon with a Virtual Meet the Teacher slideshow for you and your little one to view. If you were not in Mrs. Noble’s class last year I will be contacting you soon. I am looking forward to seeing you all next week!🤩
about 4 years ago, Koreen Williams
What Lies Ahead- I hope you found some new ways to enjoy your summer. Now it's time to find some new perspectives and new opportunities here at school. "Energy and persistence conquer all things."- Benjamin Franklin
about 4 years ago, Ross A. Hubbard
What Lies Ahead
Regular Board Meeting 7PM tonight. Tonight's Board Meeting may be attended at the Cove School Cafeteria or watched live here See Agenda at "Board Documents" Here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
On August 17, OSAA released updated guidance regarding fall activities. See the guidance for "Limited Return to Play" here: and OSAA's FAQ page here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Temporary Custodian Sought for Fall 2020. See details at and submit a support staff application to apply.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Cove School Staff are already working on student activity plans for the fall! With the delay of all OSAA sports seasons until winter, see , and today's sports guidance from Governor Brown, see , we are working on interscholastic and intramural sports and other activities for the fall. Cove Students will have activities this fall!
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Today, the Oregon Department of Education released the 5th version of the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance. The heavily discussed metrics were revised which will make it much more attainable for Cove to meet. Cove School continues to be committed to an on-campus opening on August 31 with other options available at parental request. We are on track for opening and I look forward to welcoming our students back in 20 days!
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
An Updated Cove Virtual Learning Academy course list is available here: The list of course will be updated if additional classes become available. Contact Mr. Miles at for details if you are considering the Academy for the fall.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Along with most Eastern Oregon Schools, Cove School District has been advocating for greater flexibility and local control regarding recent statewide metrics guiding reopening decisions. Regional School Boards and superintendents, county commissioners, State Representative Greg Barreto and US Representative Greg Walden have been involved in supporting this effort. See US Representative Greg Walden's letter to Governor Brown here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Entering his 10th year as high school principal, Mat Miles announced his upcoming retirement this year. While we continue to grapple with the reality of the ongoing pandemic, Mat will also continue in position to see the crisis through until his retirement date of Dec 31, 2020.
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Special Board Meeting Via ZOOM scheduled for 7PM, Thursday, July 30. One item - correspondence approval. See agenda here: See correspondence draft here: Meeting may be viewed here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Special Board Meeting July 28, 7PM, School Cafeteria. Social distancing standards will be encouraged and face coverings are required per the Governor's order. For those not able to attend, the meeting will be live-streamed here: See the agenda here:
about 4 years ago, Earl Pettit