The April Regular Meeting of Cove School Board is scheduled for April 21 at 7PM via internet-based conferencing. See the agenda and background information here: The meeting may be viewed live Tuesday, April 21 at 7PM at
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
A Special Meeting of Cove School Board is scheduled for April 14 at 7PM via internet-based conferencing. The sole agenda action item is a first reading of the District graduation policy revision related to the current facility closure. See the proposed revision and background information here: The meeting may be viewed live Tuesday, April 14 at 7PM at (updated video link)
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
May Activity Cancellations: Due to restrictions placed on the school during the COVID 19 pandemic, most May activities have been cancelled. Alternative activities are being considered for the FFA banquet, 8th grade reception, and scholarship and awards night. High School Athletics contests and practices have been cancelled for the remainder of the year by the Oregon Schools Athletics Association. All Junior High School Athletic Events and Practices - Cancelled May Activity Cancellations: May 4-5: FFA CDE Days – Cancelled May 7: May Day Celebration – Cancelled May 9: FFA Banquet – Cancelled, may be rescheduled for summer May 15: Junior High Dance - Cancelled May 15: 8th Grade Reception – Cancelled, alternative activity being developed May 26: Scholarship and Awards Dessert – Cancelled, alternative recognition activity being developed May 30: High School Graduation - Will take place with location, method, and details to be determined
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Governor Brown has announced the closure of school facilities for the remainder of the year. Cove School will continue its "Distance Education for All" efforts through May. High School Graduation remains scheduled for May 30 - ceremony details to be determined.
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
High School Math Students.... if you haven't already been communicating with me, please check your StudentVue or your school email for information about assignments. Hope to SEE you soon, stay well!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Murchison
Make art! With all of the new found time on your hands, focus your efforts on marking art! It’s a gratifying way to spend your socially distanced time. The high school art class is still busy working!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Gustavson
Pen and ink by Kallie
Wood burning by Carlee
49th Annual Play Day Postponed Until 2021. Like the 2020 Olympics, the 49th Annual Play Day set for 2020 set for May 14th is postponed a year and will be held in May of 2021. After 48 consecutive years and since 1971, this is the first year the annual event has ever been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Spring Grading System Set. During the March 31 meeting of the Board, the District adopted a temporary grading system for the spring. The only grades awarded can be A,B,C, or P. Any student not passing a class will not be given a grade at all. Plans are now developed and being implemented to hold students harmless for the closure and simultaneously provide opportunities for credit to those who seek it. Read the full story here:
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Think of it as a medication you need to take DAILY! Ms. Tally’s PE classes (8th, 9th, Advanced) please check StudentVUE and/or your school email (maybe spam folder) for PE activities.
over 4 years ago, Kim Tally
Junior Health students please check studentVUE for a welcome letter and an important survey for you to fill out. Can’t wait to make contact again with everyone. Stay well!
over 4 years ago, Kim Tally
Distant Learning For All Announced. In direct contradiction of the guidance received by all schools across Oregon on March 19, late last night the Oregon Department of Education reversed its position and released a directive that all schools provide "Distance Learning for All." This means assignments will be graded and credit will be awarded. Please be patient and wait for your teacher to contact you with modifications to the supplemental learning plans they may have already released. See last night's directive here: . Cove School has until April 13th to transition to a distance education institution for the 27 instructional days which will remain for the year.
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Day 1 of food service deliveries from the new cafeteria went well with over 250 breakfast or lunch meals provided to kids and community. Details of the child program may be found on our website here: . Those picking up meals will follow strict social distancing guidelines and meals are only available for pickup between 7:30am and 9am, Monday-Friday.
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
Parents, Students and Cove Community: On Monday March 30, Cove School District will resume and expand its food service program to be available for all youth, seniors, and any other adult in the Cove community requesting meals during the COVID -19 pandemic. The service will run M-F with delivery or pickup options available. While not required to receive a meal, we ask that you sign up for youth meals here: or Adult meals here: La Grande youth may be served by La Grande School District: You may also call 541-568-4424 to request this service. Details of this program may be viewed on our website.
over 4 years ago, Earl Pettit
6th grade parents! Please follow this link. I’ve written you a brief note explaining my hopes for the coming weeks. Please let me know if the links to any of the documents do not work. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Gustavson
Attention 5th grade! Attached you will find a survey that will help me as we transition to our school away from home. Please fill it out as soon as possible. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Tricia Tucker
High School Math students....please check your StudentVUE for a message from me regarding communication for your classes.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Murchison
We are happy to report that Mental Health Counseling services are still available! In order to comply with social distancing, Luke will be available for scheduled appointments by phone or video conferencing. To set up appointments for students please call Luke at 541-910-8841. If you reach voice mail, please include the student’s name, date of birth and the best phone number to reach student or family directly. Luke will return your call as soon as he is able.
over 4 years ago, Mathew Miles
I will be regularly posting educational opportunities on my Google Classroom pages. Take advantage of the opportunity to continue to grow. Check Google Classroom and your school email frequently and stay engaged.
over 4 years ago, Ross A. Hubbard
History 201 students- We will continue our studies online to earn credits through Blue Mountain Community College. I will be regularly posting assignments and information on our Google Classroom page. Check your school email and Google Classroom frequently.
over 4 years ago, Ross A. Hubbard
Students! Next Tuesday I will be setting up new Google classrooms, sending you emails and trying to set up our SAFS (School Away from School) please have your parents fill out this questionnaire so I can get you all rolling as efficiently and quickly as possible. I’ll talk to you soon!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Gustavson