This will be in the HS gym Hallway, Thank you for your support!!!
The Cove FFA Fall Festival is this Saturday! The surplus sale is running all week and will end at the conclusion of the festival on Saturday at 4pm.
Cove HS swimming schedule .
December 7: Baker
December 14:
December 21: LaGrande
January 4: Sweet Home
January 11: Molalla
January 18: Madras
January 25: LaGrande
February 1:
February 8: Off
Districts February 14-15 Madras
State: February 21, 22 Tualatin Hills
Cove Jr-Hi Basketball updated
This weeks athletics
Cove Senior night, BBQ, Fundraiser, if you want to bring a Baked good for the Silent Auction have it at Cove HS at 5 pm.
Cove is excited to announce Jr-Hi Girls Basketball Coach Samirah Miller!!
She comes to Cove with a loaded background of Basketball knowledge.
Cove JV Football @ Union tonight 5:30 pm
Cove trunk or Treat
Our Quarter 1 Grading Period ended yesterday! 7th-12th grade Report Cards are in the mail. If you don't receive one for your student, please contact the school to update your contact information.
Interested in Natural Resource jobs & want to get paid to work outdoors? Check out this opportunity to meet several representatives from WorkSource on Oct 29. Look for the flyer at Cove High School or contact Lisa Murchison for more information.
The Cove Preschool is having a Fundraiser this Saturday, October 26th from 3pm-6pm at the Ascension School. The event will be at the Coe-Kerr Building. Please see the flyer for more details!!
Imbler will be hosting a BBQ this Friday @ the games!!
The broadcast for the October regular board meeting will begin at 7p
Sports Update!!
K-6th GRADERS!! Student ID cards are here! There is a ASB student body fee of $10 to be paid to get your students ID card(s). This is the only fee we charge for school activities. If you have not already paid, please stop by the office or send money with your student. If you have any questions, please call Kelsey 541 568 4424
School pictures arrived on Thursday 10th. Some of you did not receive your students' pictures that you purchased if this was the case, please contact Barksdale customer service 800-220-7667.
The Leopard was seen at the EOU Homecoming Football GAME!!!
Second graders are working on their measurement and counting skills today!